Surviving a move with kids

For a third of Americans, moving is one of life’s most stressful events, topping the list ahead of job interviews and first dates. Add kids into the equation, and stress levels skyrocket. If you have children and you’re thinking of moving, read on to learn our insider tips on how to survive a move with kids.
Tip 1: Say goodbye to the house
Depending on your child’s age, moving may be a stressful event for him or her. Get your children ready to move by planning a goodbye party for the house. Visit significant spots in your home as a family and share memories together.
Tip 2: Put em’ to work
Bored kids are mischievous kids. Put your little ones to work leading up to moving day so they feel like they’re a part of the process and to help keep them busy. Depending on your child’s age, he or she could help label boxes, clean, and even pack up his or her own belongings.
Tip 3: Make a deal
Negotiating with your children is never recommended, but outlining what is expected and the reward that’s in store for good behavior definitely is. Before you move, agree on a treat that you will provide as a reward if they are well behaved during the move.
For more tips on moving with kids, check out this post.