How to move your garden

It’s always a risk to move your garden, and change is hard for plants, but these guidelines will maximize your plant’s potential to put down new roots in the garden as you will in your new home.
It’s a well-established fact that many people move in the summer. This is the worst possible time to uproot a plant because the dry weather can affect the roots. To ensure your plants will thrive in their new home, prepare a temporary plot in advance. You can dig simple trenches to accommodate your plants upon arrival.
Before uprooting your plant, water the soil to keep the roots moist. Using a sharp shovel, dig a ring around the plant, keeping as much dirt as you can for the root ball. Wrap the root ball in a damp burlap sack and place it in a bucket or planter.
If you’re unsure of how much to dig around the plant, measure about one vertical foot from the base of the stalk or trunk. At that point, measure the diameter of the stalk or trunk in inches, and multiply by 18. That number is how many inches the root ball should be.
Plants need to be last on the truck and first off. Secure the planter or bucket to avoid slips and slides. Upon arrival, cut off any roots that may have been damaged during transport, and place them in the watered, temporary trenches.
To optimize water retention in your temporary trenches, mix soil with peat moss and/or wood chips.
It’s always a risk to move your garden, but if you’re absolutely set on bringing it with you, we hope these tips will be of use to you.
(Photo credit: Gardens West Magazine – Stephanie Hopkins of You Move Me Vancouver Island)