5 tips for decluttering your garage

The garage is the one room in your home most likely to become stuffed with clutter. This is a room where “out of sight, out of mind” can become a major problem. Since most of us spend less time in the garage relative to the rest of the home, it’s easy to let them deteriorate into unorganized, cluttered messes.

5 steps for organizing your moving day with friends

Moving can be overwhelming if you try to do it alone – it’s a task which requires more than one set of hands. That’s what friends are for, right? But even if your friends gladly offer to help, you still need to follow a few rules of thumb to ensure that your friends remain your friends, even after moving day.

5 Home Storage Features on Every Homebuyer’s Wish List

Millennials and Gen Xers, currently the two largest generations of homebuyers, are less interested in accumulating stuff – and storing it “just in case”— than their Baby Boomer counterparts. Today’s homebuyers hate clutter. They want their things accessible but out of sight in efficient storage spaces – not six boxes deep and difficult to find in a dark attic.

4 tips for retiring summer furniture this winter

Even coming out of the hottest summer on record, patio furniture pieces have to come inside sometime. You Move Me has got the skinny on best practices that will help you keep your furniture looking clean and shiny when you take it out next season.

3 Tips for a Green Move

This April 22 we can observe Earth Day – which you’d think would be a bigger deal, Earth being where we live and all. Luckily, we can use this day to think a little more about this awesome rock spinning around in space with a bunch of stuff all over it. The impact we have on Earth is getting worse by the day, and it’s not going to be easy to stop the damage people have done so far. But you can do your part – and we’re here to help in the form of a short list of ways that you can keep your own move guilt-free.

3 Simple Tips for Packing Gifts to Mail

USPS shipped more than 15.5 billion cards, letters, and packages this Christmas. To make sure gifts arrive safely at their destination for holidays, birthdays and beyond, Todd Yergens from You Move Me Milwaukee offers three simple tips.

3 Disastrous Moving Tales

Even at the best of times, moving is stressful. And when a move goes wrong, it can go very wrong. We turned to several of our amazing Move Specialists in the You Move Me call center for some perspective on exactly how bad a move can go. Our specialists take calls every day from people who’ve had terrible experiences in the past and want to avoid the same mistakes.

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