Emotional Intelligence and the workplace

Current trends indicate that successful organizations are moving away from traditional hierarchies to a more vertically-integrated style of democratic leadership. Distributing leadership may seem like a paradoxical concept, however it is actually the contrary.

Eleven Islands Currently for Sale in North America

Dreaming of the sweet life? Forget the mansion – nothing says extravagance more than owning your own island. A private beach, perfectly appointed homestead, tennis courts, an aircraft hanger – whatever your heart desires, there seems to be an island out there for you (if the budget is right).

Eco-friendly ways to keep your new home clean

We all know that moving takes a lot of effort. All too often the stress of moving overshadows the joy of a new home and the new opportunities it can bring. Keeping your new place clean and clutter free is a great way to make the most of your space. Here are our top tips on the little things you can do to keep your new home or office looking fresh and smelling great the natural way.

Working from Home? Create a Distraction-free Office Space

While it can be nice to be at home, it can also be easier to become overwhelmed or distracting when your personal life and work converge. We’ve put together some tips on creating a distraction-free office space within your home, so you can be the most productive and effective at your job.

Do you have a game plan for your first day in your new home?

Many of us who are about to move focus solely on getting packed and ready to move with as little stress as possible. Beyond that, we may be imagining how beautiful the new home will look with our belongings in just the right place, and perhaps a few newly-purchased items. One critical step that could prove to be a real mood-buster is the transition that takes place within the first day or two of moving. Believe me, there is nothing worse than finally hauling the last of the furniture and boxes into the new home, serenading the moving company goodbye, closing the door behind them in exhaustion, and wondering where your toothbrush and pajamas are.

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