Ways to save time and money when moving

Moving can be an expensive and time consuming ordeal – and it can be difficult to plan for because many moves are unexpected.
Here are a few of our tips to make moving a bit easier to fit in to a busy life, and a tight budget:
Pack a little each day
If possible, start packing early. Remember, if you were to pack only a couple of boxes a day, in thirty days you would have sixty boxes packed. You could start in areas where the goods are not in frequent use – such as the cellar, attic, garage, closet shelves, etc.
Empty dresser drawers
Dresser drawers should be empty. Too much weight in the drawer could cause damage to the drawer while your furniture is in route. Much of the secret of packing, however, is having the right materials with which to work, and the application of some good common sense
Protect your clothes with wardrobe boxes
Clothing that needs to be hung up, such as suits, dresses and coats, should be hung in wardrobe boxes. This will save you the trouble and expense of having your clothes cleaned and pressed later. Here at You Move Me we provided a free wardrobe service to all of our You Move Me customers.